Desalination of seawater produces brine, and discharges it into the sea. It is important to understand how brine is dispersed into the sea so that we can minimize its potential environmental impact. The tidal currents transports brine plumes back and forth before Read More
The scientific study of marine ecology encompasses marine-life habitat, populations, and interactions among organisms and the surrounding environment. The impact of human activity such as medical research, development, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry is also studied under marine ecology. Marine studies address fundamental Read More
The marine impact assessment methodology implements a combined midpoint/damage approach, linking all types of life cycle inventory results. New concepts and methods have been developed, especially for the comparative assessment of human toxicity and ecotoxicity. The measurement of changes in the structure Read More
To control, minimize and protect environmental damage to sensitive coastal stretches from unplanned human interference, The GOI, in 1991 issued a major notification “Coastal Regulation Zone rules”. It is an integrated approach to coastal zone problems and for sustainable development. The structured Read More
A Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study identifies hazards and operability problems. The concept involves investigating how the plant might deviate from the design intent andcreate risk for personnel and equipment and operability problems.HAZOPs seek to minimise the effect of an atypical situation Read More
A building energy survey isa practical step to identify, quantify and prioritise tangible opportunities to reduce energy use, costs and carbon emissions in a buildingor on a site. Itcan also evaluate the feasibility of renewable energy opportunities.We provide a detailed feasibility study Read More
Environmental auditing is essentially an environmental management tool for measuring the effects of certain activities on the environment against set criteria or standards. Depending on the types of standards and the focus of the audit, there are different types of environmental audit. Read More
All issues are systematically identified and addressed in the various stages of the implementation of projects. It provides a systematic approach for identifying the various possible environmental impacts at the different stages of the scheme cycle, to identify appropriate mitigation measures for Read More
MeteorologyWater QualityAmbient AirQualityNoise levelsEcologyGeologySoilSocio-economicLand Use
Environmental Clearance (EIA) CRZ Clearance State Pollution Control Board Consent Central Ground Water Authority Clearance Forest Clearance Hazardous Waste Authorization Bio Medical Waste Authorization E-Waste Authorization Scrap Import Authorization State Pollution Control Board Compliance